Friday, December 17, 2010

Work has begun!

After all this time, we can finally say: "Yes, work has begun!"

True, the outcome so far is somewhat underwhelming. Still, these are significant and necessary steps before the actual restoration work can begin.

What has happened is that workers have been digging and ripping, in and around the house, in preparation for the more creative work to begin. So, floors are being dug down and levelled in various areas of the ground floor, and ceilings have been ripped to expose beams and other structural elements.

Of course, it is also at this stage that surprises - good and bad - can come to light.

But reports so far are positive and there are no major setbacks. Beams that have been exposed appear to be sound. At the same time, it looks like the rock base is higher than expected under the dining room and, as a result, there will likely be a couple of steps between the dining room and the kitchen while initial plans had both rooms on the same level; we can probably live with that.

The crew kindly sent a few photos (click on photo to enlarge):

Part of the old stone elements removed temporarily from the side of the kitchen fireplace, to be reinstalled in time.
Exposed dining room ceiling, beams and upstairs flooring underside.

The fireplace in the small room off the kitchen. A pleasant surprise?
Behind the "modern" wood and brick exterior, an older, more rustic stone fireplace has been revealed.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Site meeting

Late last month, we met with the architect and the contractors at Gaulejac. This was the initial site meeting where we had a chance to meet the people who are going to do the work for us. Hands were shaken, contracts were signed and stamped, terms were confirmed and agreed upon, as was the work calendar.

In spite of the -4 C temperature, spirits were high.

The day after the site meeting ...

Work is starting in January or possibly later this month, with an estimated completion time of mid-September.

Next trip will probably be in February, for the first inspection. By then, most of the tearing down (floors and parts of the roof frame) and digging (drainage and waterproofing of the foundations) should be done.

We have asked everyone to contribute photos as often as they can to help us document future postsings.