Thursday, October 20, 2011

Three days and counting

Moving day at Gaulejac is Tuesday, October 25. We are flying out this Sunday night.

The house is now completely livable, with only a few things which we have decided to put on hold until we can make a decision in person and on site. For instance: the stone areas of the downstairs floors should have been finished by now, but we decided to wait until we can select the stones ourselves. And in the yard, which is essentially completed, the "préau" (covered dining area, just outside the kitchen door) would be all done if we had accepted the proposed tiles, but we felt that a couple of email photos weren't sufficient for us to decide. So, that too is on hold until we get there.

There are a few other details of that sort. Why rush? A couple of weeks or even a month won't make much difference.

At the same time, there are some significant aspects which we have always known would not be done until we get there: sinks cannot be installed until countertops and vanities have been built (by yours truly), and oak floors throughout the house have been laid and sanded but not finished as we will be doing that ourselves. Good thing our furniture is not due to arrive until later in November!

So, as we expected all along, it will be a little bit like camping for awhile. But in a finished house, with electricity, heat, doors, windows, showers, etc.

Unfortunately, there are no new photos at this point. And it may be a few days after we arrive until we are online and able to post photos. So, please be patient and stay tuned.

Clearly, the exciting prospect right now is that the next posts will be "live from France"! And once we are settled in and online, you can count on frequent updates, with many photos.

Until then, au revoir!