Thursday, February 3, 2011

The roof is taking shape

The latest weekly report included some photos of the exposed roof frame, some showing the old beams, others brand new wood. They were taken earlier this week.

The finished frame should be a mix of exposed, old (i.e. attractive antique-looking) pieces, and new (i.e. structurally more reliable) lumber to be either hidden or "antiqued".

The front of the house, with the kitchen (below) and master bedroom (under the roof) above on the left, and the window to the future laundry room on the right, above which will be our ensuite.
The central part of the house, between the two bedrooms. The building on the right is the neighbours' house.
 Inside the courtyard (looking from the door of the atelier). In the foreground will be the guestroom, while at the back, beyond the green tarp, is the master bedroom. The roof beyond, on the left, is that of the neighbours' house, visible in the preceding photo.

Also in the last report, we read that window and door frames will be installed in the next couple of weeks and that floors are still at various stages of completion or preparation.

To sum up: work is proceeding according to the calendar -- we're on track!

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