That's because, as I indicated in the April 2nd post, we're busy doing and making, which leaves little time for talking and blogging. And there is also the fact that, increasingly, whatever changes and progress tend to be more incremental, less dramatic. And more of a conventional home improvement nature. You expect better than mundane from this blog. We don't do filler here.
Through the winter, as we spent our days essentially waiting for our furniture, waiting for contractors, waiting for the mail, waiting for spring, etc. first, we had lots of time to sit before the computer (at the nearest McDdonald's), and second, every time whatever it was that we had been waiting for arrived, happened or materialized, we had something distinct to report.
Now we're here, our stuff is here, the waiting is over, and we're in charge and engaged in doing what we came to do. (Although, to be quite frank, we're still waiting for some of the contractors to finish this or that. But, it's mostly because we're taking our time, not entirely because they're not instantly available when we call. For instance, the plumber couldn't install the sink until we had chosen it. It was not his fault that we took so long to do so. I hate to disappoint some of you stereotype-lovers out there, but not all contractors in France are straight out of a Peter Mayle novel.)
So, the last post (April 2nd) is still a valid reflection of our daily life in Gaulejac, except for the gardening, which has come to a standstill for two reasons: one, Nancy is in Canada for a couple of weeks and, two, the weather has changed dramatically. That lovely weather we enjoyed throughout March was not early summer after all: the temperature cooled and it has been raining everyday for the last three weeks. It is hard to believe that so much rain could come down, and keep coming down. Even on the West Coast (you know, the "Wet" Coast), I remember that I could always count on the sky clearing for a few hours now and then. Not so here, since April 1st.
Fortunately, now that my shop is operational, including a beautiful new door to keep rain and wind out, I can do what I came here to do, regardless of the weather: build cabinets! Yes, as I hinted last time, the wait is finally over and I am not just talking about them anymore. I have been actually building them. So, I have at least one new and interesting (well, "interesting" is a matter of opinion, I suppose) photo to offer you, to silence those skeptics who were beginning to question whether I would ever get started (actually, there were days this winter when I was one of those skeptics).
The first of many more to come. And on the right is the new door I was telling you about above. |
Anyway, I'm taking my camera to the Journée de la forêt. The weather forecast predicts a few days of sun and clouds - no rain! - starting soon. There might be something better than muddy horses to report in a future post.
Oh, and, yes: I have already registered for lunch.