We have been blessed with beautiful weather for the last three weeks: clear blue sky, low twenties, an occasional mild breeze. Some here are concerned about the water table, of course. Rural concerns are the same everywhere, it seems: too much or not enough water. I must confess that we are not giving it much of a thought.
For us, after the last few months of relative cold and damp while living in an almost-but-not-quite-finished house (and workshop), it has been a blessed relief to rise to sunshine and keep doors and windows open all day, day after day.
But it's not just the blossoms on the trees and the birds singing and nesting in the dry stone walls that have raised our spirits. It's also that we are both busy and seeing progress of our own making, inside and out.
First of all, the floors are finished, which has made it possible to arrange furniture and bring stuff out of boxes. All of a sudden, it's like a real home in here.
The living room, seen from the top of the stairs through the new handrail. |
The stone "tapis" (literally, "carpet") in the foyer, at the foot of the stairs. |
Nancy has been working hard outside, too, clearing bramble ...
... and planting rose bushes, lavender, herbs and lilacs.
Meanwhile, I have been trying my hand at stonework ...
No, these are not centuries old stone steps. This passage up from the driveway onto the terrace below the front of the house used to be a muddy gully where the stone wall had crumbled from neglect. |
My new workbench. Ain't she a beauty? |
... and - finally! - woodwork, too.
Yes, for those who have been following the saga of the workshop ("when will he stop talking about those d... cabinets, and start building them?!"), I am happy to report that the "atelier" is fully equipped and work has begun.
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