Saturday, July 9, 2011

Don't call the movers yet ...

but we're getting close.

With this week's site report and photos, it is clear that we are entering the home stretch, pun intended.

Two significant developments are worth noting since the last post: the joints around the stones have been mortared, which means that the outside walls are done; and the heated sub-flooring is set and ready for the flooring to be laid down, oak or stone, depending on the room.

Next week, tiling will begin in the bathrooms. Next will be plumbing fixtures throughout the house (except sinks where cabinets have to be built and installed first). Add a coat of primer paint on the drywall surfaces, and that's pretty much it. Hard to believe that just over six months ago, what we have affectionately taken to calling our "stone pile" was still ... just that, a stone pile: a windowless refuge for bats and the odd nesting bird.

The latest batch of photos from the architect covers every room in the house, except the dining room. Rather than posting a few, as I have done in previous posts, I thought I would present them in sequence, as a slideshow. However, technology stumped me once more and I have resorted to offering them all in a string, below.

Remember that these are only thumbnails; you need to click on each photo to enlarge it. It's worth the extra step as they are high resolution photos.

South wall, facing the road
(building on right is neighbours')
West wall, facing the courtyard
Foyer, south half of living room, brand new staircase
(and drywall man eating lunch)
Powder room, off foyer
Kitchen, south half
Kitchen, north half,
(note door to dining room, L of fireplace)
Nancy's sewing room, off the kitchen
Landing, looking north into guest room
Master bedroom, looking north west to passage and doorway to landing
Master bedroom, south west corner
Doorway from master bedroom to ensuite
Master ensuite
Guest room, looking north west and into ensuite
Guest room, looking west
Guest room ensuite